WYSIWYG Text Editor for Questions

Since the beginning of SurveyRock, we have had the special Text element for when you just wanted to use images or text to give your survey takers some additional information. Earlier this year we expanded that WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) capability to all of our question types as well. Now when you create a new survey question, the question title field text editor looks like this.

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HIPAA & PHI Capable Accounts

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) is a United States law that provides a data privacy and security plan for keeping patients’ personal or protected health information (PHI) safe. SurveyRock Enterprise plan holders can secure their accounts to fulfill HIPAA requirements.

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URL Redirect after Survey Completion

This feature, URL redirect after survey completion, is just a fancy way of saying that you can send your survey respondents to a specific web page when they have finished taking your survey. For example, create a survey to discover how people think about your product and then send them to a special sales page when they’re done.

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Enterprise Account Plan – Customization and Personalization

For the past several months we have received a lot of requests for some additional features, largely from our corporate clients. We looked at different ways of combining these features into one or more of our existing account plans but in the end we decided it was best to package them into a brand new plan.

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Distribute Your Survey With A QR Code

We recently added a new way for your respondents to access your survey. Whenever you create a web link distributor, we now automatically generate a corresponding QR code. You can use this image in marketing materials or include in social media posts.

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Drag & Drop Questions Into Your Survey

We like to think, and our customers have told us, that creating a survey with SurveyRock is very easy. But now we’ve just added a feature that makes this process even easier and quick. Drag and drop survey questions from a list into your survey page, right where you want it.

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Star Rating Question (or smilies, hearts & thumbs)

Our latest question type, Star Rating, is typically used by reviewers for ranking things such as restaurants and hotels, films, TV shows or, really, anything. A five-star rating system is most common, with one star being the lowest and five stars signifying the best or highest quality.

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RTL (right-to-left) Language Support

In the English language we write (and read) from left-to-right but there are several languages, such as Arabic, Hebrew, Persian and Urdu that are written in the opposite direction, from right-to-left (or RTL). In addition to the approximately 300 million native speakers of Arabic (295 million) and Hebrew (5 million), there are ten major languages based on the Arabic alphabet, spoken by another 300 million people. In order to support them all, SurveyRock offers the ability to create surveys in RTL languages.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS) with an Online Survey

Net Promoter Score, or NPS for short, is a number that tells you how likely your customers are to recommend your product, service or company to a friend or colleague. All it takes is a simple survey question like the one below.

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