Survey 0% complete
1. How old are you?
2. Gender
3. What is your marital status?
4. Where do you live? Country and city please.
5. What is your highest education level?
6. What is your employment level?
7. Do you have children?
8. Besides yourself, how many people live in your household?
9. When it comes to your personal skin care, what are some challenges you experience? Please be specific.
10. Where do you usually purchase your skin care products? Click all that regularly apply
11. When purchasing any products, where do you mostly tend get your information from?
12. What social media outlets do you regularly use? Please click all that apply.
13. Which St. Maarten Nectar line is most important for you to purchase from?
Not at All Important
Slightly Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Body & Hair & Sun
Bug O%
Home Fragrance
14. What do you spend on average per month on skincare products (excluding perfume).
15. What is your personal skincare, hair care or cosmetic goals? Please be specific. ***To be eligible for your discount coupon code, please also add your email address at the end of the answer.***