Survey 0% complete
Imagine that you with several others have witnessed the following crime. Read the scenario carefully and take your time answering the questions.

Dan Baker was standing in the window of his home. He looked at the knife in his hands and felt distressed. Soon he noticed someone walking towards the house. It was a familiar person from his past. He was expecting her. Dan swallowed. He stared at his own reflection in the window. He saw an unstable person. The rain was purring heavily which made Dan even more anxious. As the figure came closer, he stepped outside, he could see that she was upset.There was a tension between them, but the woman posed no harm. He looked irritable, his feelings were displayed by a nervous blush on his face. He pushed her and he begun threatening her with the knife. She screamed.

1. Please indicate your age
2. What is your gender?
3. How likely would you say that Dan in the scenario was anxious?
Not at all likely
Slightly likely
Moderately likely
Very likely
Completely likely
4. How likely would you say that the woman in the scenario was distressed
Not at all likely
Slightly likely
Moderately likely
Very likely
Completely likely
5. How likely would you say that Dan did not mind that there were witness around, she executed the attack anyway, taking the responsibility for her actions.
Not at all likely
Slightly likely
Moderately likely
Very likely
Completely likely
6. How likely would you immediately intervene or get help (for example, call the police)?
Not at all likely
Slightly likely
Moderately likely
Very likely
Completely likely
7. How likely would you sat that you would ignore the situation and would not get help?
Not at all likely
Slightly likely
Moderately likely
Very likely
Completely likely